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What Should The Document Say?

Everyone deserves to be happy and psychologically healthy, and animals have proven to be a natural, effective and safe remedy for numerous emotional and mental disorders including depression, anxiety, mood disorder, phobias, PTSD, and more.

However, certain housing, travel, and public place restrictions may prevent you from living life to the fullest with your little friend.

But not for long! Registering your pet as an ESA or getting an emotional support animal is easier than you think, provided that you have all the relevant documents in place. The most important document of all is an ESA letter, which will act as your ticket to bringing your emotional support animal along with you.

Who Qualifies For An This Type of Letter?

It is important to keep in mind that not everyone is entitled to an emotional support animal, and consequently not everyone will be able to qualify for an emotional support animal letter. As per the National Institute of mental health, one out of four American adults suffers from some mental/emotional disability. If you fall into this category of people, you can easily apply for an ESA letter.

The best way to receive your ESA letter is a licensed mental health expert or a doctor instead of getting it through a vague online site promising you a quick and easy route. The latter option is not the most suitable owing to an increasing number of online scams springing up. However, there are a handful of legit sites present that can make the process very convenient. So if you are choosing an online site, make sure first to read their success stories/testimonials and also go through the general feedback left by customers.

This letter will verify that you indeed have a psychological disability and that an ESA can help you deal with the symptoms and also bring therapeutic benefits. If you are experiencing any of the following mental disabilities then you can qualify for the letter:

  • Anxiety
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    Separation anxiety
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    Panic attacks
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    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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    Multiple personality disorder
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    Motor skills disorders
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    Psychotic disorders
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    Neurodevelopmental disorders
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    Sleep disorders
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    Eating disorders
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    Somatoform disorders
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    Gender identity crisis
  • check
    Dissociative disorders
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    Factitious disorders
  • check
    Seasonal affective disorder
Girl suffering from mental or emotional disabilities

Here are some of the many examples of various symptoms related to mental/emotional disabilities:

  • Feelings of depression or anxiety that last more than a few days.
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    Development of irrational fears related to a normal life issue or situation.
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    Having difficulty maintaining relations with people.
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    Inability or difficulty in interacting with people in private or public settings.

What Does The ESA Letter Have To Say?

The purpose of an ESA letter is to authenticate your mental disability and show that an emotional support animal can help you with that disability. 

It highlights the following points:

  • That you are currently a patient of the doctor or mental health expert who verified your mental condition.
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    That you are being treated by the same doctor or mental health expert and are under care.
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    That your mental disability relatively restricts you from carrying out or participating in at least one of the daily activities.
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    That an ESA is part of your current treatment plan and that it will help you cope with your disability symptoms.

It is important to remember that the ESA letter should be dated no later than a year from the date of your departure. You can learn more about what the letter says on this URL: However, don’t try and fake an emotional support letter as their are very strong legal repercussions you’ll face if you get caught doing so. 

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