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Can You Buy a Trained Therapy Dog

Can You Buy a Trained Therapy Dog?

Therapy dogs provide mentally and physically disabled people with comfort, support, and companionship, playing an essential role in stress management and recovery. Therapy dogs are tested for their temperament, trained to behave well, and registered with a therapy dog organization. These animals visit places such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, or college campuses, together with their owners, to soothe and comfort vulnerable individuals.

Service psychiatric dogs are trained to help with the person’s disability, allowing the handler to improve their ability function in everyday life.

You can either train your own dog buy a trained psychiatric service dog. The cost can be pretty high because of comprehensive training, from $15,000 to $50,000 a year.

However, suppose your dog will serve as an emotional support animal that provides emotional comfort when you experience anxiety. In that case, intensive training is not required, so that the training cost may be lower.

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