Picking out the Best Policy for your Therapy Canine
Isn't it ironic how people will spend huge chunks of money purchasing toys, beddings, and foods for their pets yet they pay little attention to their insurance? For most of the time, pets form an integral part of the family that many cannot do without. These animals cheer you up when you’re low-spirited, accompany you when you go for walks and most importantly, they keep you safe.
That said, the least you can do for your pooch is to provide the right conditions so he can remain healthy and live a long life. But feeding him right and taking him for exercises is not enough. You should also consider getting him an insurance coverage. With pet insurance, all his medical expenses are taken care of in case he falls ill. This way, you don’t have to pay out of your pocket. Plus, you won’t be forced to euthanize your adorable pooch simply because you cannot afford his medical expenses. But how much is dog insurance for therapy dogs?
The Cost of Dog Insurance
Emotional support animals (ESA) such as therapy dogs have an incredible ability to change peoples’ lives for the better. These animals provide so many benefits, the greatest of which is emotional support. They help persons suffering from certain conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder. Plus, a majority of these dogs are also trained to offer mobility assistance such as fetching and picking items, opening doors just to mention a few. However, all this training comes at a high price. Training therapy dogs and other service animals cost upwards of $10,000. To protect your investment of an ESA, you should approach a pet insurance company and apply for one of their coverage policies.
Pet insurance companies offer different plans. An insurance plan that costs this amount takes care of illnesses and accident costs. However, this amount can increase or decrease depending on the specific pet insurance company that you purchase from. It also depends on the dog breed that you're trying to insure. Therapy dog breeds like Labrador retrievers, German shepherds and bulldogs cost more to insure.
Picking the Right Insurance Plan
Dog insurance is an incredibly important resource, and if you pick prudently, it will guarantee his safety for life. Each year, an average of 7.6 million animals ends up in shelters. Out of this figure, 3.6 million are dogs, some of whom are abandoned because their owners cannot meet their medical expenses.
Even though dog insurance is a pricey affair, it will come in handy if your pooch gets diagnosed with a severe condition like cancer. This coverage can also take care of expensive medical expenses like surgeries. So, if you think dog insurance is costly, consider how difficult it can be to raise $500 to cover an emergency surgery that he has to undergo. Dogs run into trouble all the time, so getting him insured is the best way to ensure that he stays safe regardless of the situation he runs into.

Different Kinds of Pet Insurance Coverage to Consider
Most pet insurance companies provide insurance packages tailored to your unique needs. This way, you can choose a coverage that has all the elements or one with just the most crucial aspects that you want to be covered.
How to Make the Most Out Of Your Dog Insurance
Take out an Insurance Early
It stands to reason that your pet is healthiest when he’s still young. As such, the most appropriate time to insure your therapy dog is when he’s less than a year old. At this stage, your pooch won’t have encountered hereditary problems that could be termed as pre-existing conditions.
Work with your vet
Determining the specific health risks associated with the dog breed you want for therapy work is also crucial. You should consult a veterinarian to know which breeds make excellent therapy dogs. Veterinarians are also well-versed with the different pet insurance companies, which makes them better-placed in recommending a specific firm. You need not neglect such consultation; it will go a long way in helping you avoid pricey insurance plans that can’t help when it counts.
Maintain realistic expectations
Before getting an insurance policy for your therapy dog, you should carry out a cost-benefit analysis. In most cases, you’ll find out that paying for medical expenses upfront is cheaper than monthly insurance premiums. But even though you’ll never recoup the premiums you pay, these insurance plans offer considerable benefits. For one, they cover emergency services, which you’d otherwise not manage to handle.
Consider a case where your dog accidentally swallows a rock and has to undergo surgery to get it removed. Rather than watch your dog suffer in silence, you can simply use the insurance policy to cover such a medical expense. Also, in case your therapy dog gets diagnosed with a severe condition, all his medical costs are already taken care of.
Read the insurance policy’s ‘pre-existing conditions’ section carefully.
A majority of pet insurance companies don’t offer coverage for pre-existing conditions. If your therapy dog already has a pre-existing health problem, getting an insurance plan for him might be difficult. However, different companies define their policies differently, which is why you need to read their fine prints carefully.
Wrap Up
Animal-assisted therapy is beneficial to persons suffering from disabilities. Unfortunately, most medical insurance policies like Medicare and Medicaid will not insure your therapy dog. But as soon as you get such an emotional support animal, you should consider insuring him immediately.
With such pet insurance, you can take your pooch for regular vet care sessions, and this includes diagnostic tests, supplements as well as emergency services. This way, your furry friend can continue providing you emotional support for as long as you need it.