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Let Your Dog The Fresh Air While Driving

Summer is here and so are the many plans to make it memorable. If you are preparing to spend your vacations hitting the trail with your pooch best friend, you need to be aware of the key safety tips that will make your trip safe, hassle free and memorable for both of you.



  • Get in touch with your vet.

If it has been a while since you took your dog to the vet, now is the best time. Ensure that your canine is up-to-date with his vaccinations, and see if any added vaccinations are needed for the road trip as he may come across different threats, such as Lyme disease, along the journey or at the destination. In addition, take a copy of your canine’s medical records with extra medication should your trip be delayed. Also look up the contact information of an emergency vet at the destination you are heading to, just to be on the safe side.

  • Don’t ever leave your dog in a hot car.

dog in a carIn summers, cars can heat up quickly and unless you have proper ventilation and air-conditioning in your vehicle, never leave your dog in the car. It literally takes a couple of minutes for your dog to suffer a heat stroke and feel suffocated. So, bring along a bottle of cold water and a water dish to keep both yourself and your dog hydrated throughout the trip.

  • Pay close to attention to parasite-protection.

If unprotected, your dog is vulnerable to Lyme disease, heartworm, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and a variety of other dangerous conditions. Moreover, it is important to remember that you can also contract these conditions from your dog.

  • Bring a “kiddy pool” for your dog.

Dogs absolutely love the water, especially during the hot summer months. Keeping your dog wet keeps it cool, so it is a good idea to carry a kid-sized pool when driving with your dog that you can use once you arrive at the destination.

  • Prevent sunburn.

Like humans, dogs too are vulnerable to sunburns, and here sunscreen comes in the picture. Talk to your vet about the best dog sunscreen and make sure to apply it on the right spots (hairless and exposed areas) and at the right time.

  • Crate your canine.

With your mutt spending many hours in the vehicle, it is critical that you take into account the safety considerations. The best solution here is to get a crash-tested, safety-certified crate, which will provide your dog a safe and comfortable environment, and a familiar spot for him to sleep in when you arrive at the motel, hotel, or any other accommodation.

  • Keep your dog’s ID up-to-date.

If you lose your dog while on the trip, you would need to find him as fast as possible. If the number provided on his ID tag is your home number, it could become quite a problem. To avoid this situation, make sure you prepare an ID tag specifically for the trip, which lists not only your cell phone number but also an emergency contact of a family member or friend living in or near the area that you will be visiting.

  • Check the forecast.

Knowing the weather in advance will help you avoid any troubles brought along by rain or snow, and avoid possible natural disasters, like floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Additionally, pack your dog’s stuff in accordance with the weather. If the weather at the destination will be colder than what your dog is used to, make sure you pack some extra clothes.

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