Category: Support Animals

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How Much Is Dog Insurance for Therapy Dogs? May 29th, 2018

How Much Is Dog Insurance for Therapy Dogs?

Picking out the Best Policy for your Therapy CanineIsn’t it ironic how people will spend huge chunks of money purchasing toys, beddings, and foods for their pets yet they pay little attention to their insurance? For most of the time, pets form an integral part of the family that many cannot do without. These animals  Read More…

How Seizure Alert Dogs Help Save Lives May 29th, 2018

How Seizure Alert Dogs Help Save Lives

A Dog Can Save Your Life in Many Ways Service dogs have proven to be indispensable partners, particularly for persons who experience seizures. Not only do these pooches help persons living with disabilities to be independent but they also give them freedom from fear, a peace of mind, and round-the-clock support. With the enactment of  Read More…

The Best Tiny Dog Breeds For Comfort May 9th, 2018

The Best Tiny Dog Breeds For Comfort

Small dog breeds are the cutest in the canine world. But if you think that’s all these animals have to offer, you are very wrong. A lack of mass or size does not translate to a lack of personality and support. In any case, small dog breeds are the best-suited for therapy work. If you  Read More…

5 Dog Breeds That Make Great Emotional Support Pets February 10th, 2018

5 Dog Breeds That Make Great Emotional Support Pets

Quick Guide: Best Emotional Support Dogs You’ve just been diagnosed with anxiety and your therapist has recommended that you get an emotional support animal (ESA) as part of your treatment. ESAs are quite popular, particularly among persons living with mental disabilities. Getting the best emotional support dog presents a great opportunity for you to learn  Read More…

Microchip For Pets Have Their Pros & Cons February 6th, 2018

Microchip For Pets Have Their Pros & Cons

What is microchipping? Microchipping is a method of electronic identification, and it is permanent. The chip itself is extremely tiny. It is inserted just under the skin, right between your pet’s shoulder blades or the back of its neck. Each microchip is embedded with a number that can be scanned by a microchip scanner. Each  Read More…

Top Benefits of Getting An ESA November 9th, 2017

Top Benefits of Getting An ESA

An emotional support animal is a furry, four-legged companion pet that offers several benefits to a person suffering from mental disabilities. An ESA is prescribed to people by certified psychologists or physiatrists. However, to adopt an ESA, individuals must fall under the federal definition of disability. Unlike service animals, these animals do not receive specialized training  Read More…

ESA Letters Do Expire. Here Is What To Do Next. November 7th, 2017

ESA Letters Do Expire. Here Is What To Do Next.

Short Answer: Yes! Bad News: The letters do expire. Good News: They are fairly easy to review.  Take the 3 question quiz below to find out if your letter has expired, and if it has, how you can quickly and easily renew it online.   Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are ideal for people in grief. They offer a constant, comforting  Read More…

How You Can Get An ESA Dog November 5th, 2017

How You Can Get An ESA Dog

There have been several studies and observations that show the positive effect of pets, especially puppies, on depressed or anxious individuals. Animals are a blessing, most poets; writers use the reference of dogs and other pets for their unconditional love. There are many mental disorders that require that you have all the emotional support you  Read More…

How Hard Is It To Obtain An ESA Letter? November 3rd, 2017

How Hard Is It To Obtain An ESA Letter?

Emotional Support Animals are domesticated pets that offer emotional stability and therapeutic benefits in the forms of affection and companionship to their owners or handlers. At present day, more and more people are finding pets helpful when it comes to dealing with their symptoms of various emotional illnesses and disabilities, and more and more people  Read More…

What Should The Document Say? November 1st, 2017

What Should The Document Say?

Everyone deserves to be happy and psychologically healthy, and animals have proven to be a natural, effective and safe remedy for numerous emotional and mental disorders including depression, anxiety, mood disorder, phobias, PTSD, and more.  However, certain housing, travel, and public place restrictions may prevent you from living life to the fullest with your little  Read More…