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5 Breeds of Dogs with the Longest Lifespan June 9th, 2020

5 Breeds of Dogs with the Longest Lifespan

It is only natural that you would want your best friend to live as long as you do. Unfortunately, most dog breeds only live for 10 – 13 years. Thankfully, several breeds have what might be referred to as unusually long lifespans for dogs. If you are interested in adopting a pouch that will have  Read More…

7 of the Best Vegetables for Dogs to Add to Your Pet’s Diet June 8th, 2020

7 of the Best Vegetables for Dogs to Add to Your Pet’s Diet

How would you feel if you had to eat the same thing day in and day out? You will be tired of your meals in no time at all. So why would we expect our dogs to do this without misbehaving during meal times? While it is true that we can try to vary the  Read More…

Top 5 Dog Adoption Tips June 7th, 2020

Top 5 Dog Adoption Tips

Adopting a dog is a beautiful gesture for you, your family, and a dog that needs a home. They are an excellent addition to any home, make fantastic companions, and can help people be happier and less lonely. If you are new to having a pet, there are a few things to consider before you adopt  Read More…

Can Dogs Take Allegra? Find Out Here! June 6th, 2020

Can Dogs Take Allegra? Find Out Here!

Your dog can suffer from allergies just as we do. They may be seasonal, environmental, or both. Just as we treat our allergies with medications, you can treat your dog’s allergies as well, and the best medication for the job is Allegra.What is Allegra?Allegra is an antihistamine medication made up of the active ingredient fexofenadine.   Read More…

Why Do Dogs Shake Their Toys? June 5th, 2020

Why Do Dogs Shake Their Toys?

Dogs are domestic animals, yet it still surprises us when we see their primitive characteristics coming through. One of the most primitive characteristics that we can observe our dog displaying is when they shake their toys. To us, shaking their toys is cute, especially when it is a puppy trying to dominate a toy bigger than  Read More…

Learn About IVDD, You Could Change A Dog’s Life March 31st, 2020

Learn About IVDD, You Could Change A Dog’s Life

 Most pet owners don’t learn about IVDD until their own little furriend is affected by it. By that time it’s too late, and little to no steps can be taken towards the prevention of it. This disease affects dogs all over the world, our goal is to raise awareness by providing you with different intervening steps  Read More…

Man’s Best Friend April 4th, 2019

Man’s Best Friend

Whenever we hear the term, “man’s best friend,” automatically thoughts of cute and cuddly pups come to mind. Big or small, dogs are known for their unwavering love, loyalty, and companionship towards their human family.A dog’s capacity to love knows no boundaries; there is no judgement, no matter the situation, they will shower you with  Read More…

Dog Breed DNA Tests: Which Tests Are Best? April 1st, 2019

Dog Breed DNA Tests: Which Tests Are Best?

When you own a mixed-breed dog, you usually have a general idea of what breeds make up your pet’s DNA. After all, if your doggo looks like he’s a cross between a doberman and a beagle, he probably is, right? Maybe. Maybe not. But you can find out exactly what breeds encompass his makeup by  Read More…

What do Autism Therapy Dogs Do? May 29th, 2018

What do Autism Therapy Dogs Do?

How Can a Dog Help Those Afflicted with Autism? A teenager walks through the crowded corridors of a school accompanied by a pooch who helps him maneuver through the crowd and locate his class. In another situation, a family has dinner at a famous restaurant with a dog laying patiently at their feet. You might  Read More…

Rules You Need To Follow When Flying With Your Pet on AA May 9th, 2018

Rules You Need To Follow When Flying With Your Pet on AA

Emotional support animal fiascos seem to be at the peak this year. For instance, a giant emotional support peacock was denied flight by the United Airlines in January. The airlines claimed that the peacock failed to meet the stipulated policies regarding emotional support animals (ESA). It is no secret that persons suffering from mental health  Read More…