
Emotional Support Animal For ADHD

One of the most difficult symptoms of ADHD is not being able to stay organized and process information ahead of time. Controlling these often includes problems with impulsivity, attention span, and the ability to focus. Controlling these symptoms means finding a therapy pet for ADHD. It also means finding a source of emotional support that will benefit your pet.

The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends using an emotional support animal for ADHD. Working with an animal from an early age can benefit children with ADHD and improve their daily life skills.

Controlling these behaviors means having a reliable source of emotional support throughout the day. Working with an ESA may not just give your child relief from symptoms, it may be the key to helping them to function normally in a social setting and to control their emotions.

Guy Holding Therapy Animal

How An ESA Can Help You

An ESA, which can also be referred to as a therapy pet, is an animal that can provide emotional support for a person with ADHD. An animal that provides emotional support can give a child a safe, secure place to go when they are feeling overwhelmed. They can help a child manage their impulsivity, improve focus, and reduce their anxiety levels.

Animals can be trained to handle several tasks that can make daily life easier for a person with ADHD. A therapy pet can be taught how to stand on their hind legs, sit or lie down, walk, or fetch.

Parents who are concerned about the socialization skills of a therapy pet can purchase one from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). An emotional support animal should be an animal that is calm, gentle, quiet, clean, and free of excessive noise or activity.

Most dogs in the ADHD community suffer from excessive barking, whining, or jumping, so owners should consider purchasing a dog that has been housebroken or that has a good history of obedience. In general, dogs with behavioral problems are not given to pets or homes with children, but a therapy pet would be a great addition to a child’s social network. Some dogs have been known to be good therapy dogs, as well.

Therapy pets are most suitable for children or young adults with moderate to moderate degrees of social anxiety.

Black Dog Watching Up

If you suspect that your child suffers from excessive levels of anxiousness, PTSD, or excessive stress, then consider adding an ESA to their daily routine. A therapy pet is an important part of a family and should be treated with kindness and respect. While they do not have the same needs as other pets or animals, they are still a loving companion to have.

Amazing Support From ESAs

Your child will receive a tremendous amount of benefit by having their own pet. Many children have been able to reduce their level of anxiousness and reduce their level of hyperactivity with the consistent interaction and companionship provided by their emotional support animal.

Having one will also give you a great source of distraction for your child, who may become distracted by her anxiety and boredom. Therapy pets make great companions for children. They can be very beneficial, so look into it and see if this could improve your child’s mental health.

Gray Cat