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Do Dogs Forget People? March 11th, 2021

Do Dogs Forget People?

People who have to leave their furry friends for more prolonged periods often worry whether a dog will forget them. The answer is no. Studies show that dogs don’t forget their owners even after the long separation. The longer you have been away, the happier your dog will be when you return! Dogs use both  Read More…

Can Dogs Sense Depression? March 11th, 2021

Can Dogs Sense Depression?

Dogs can sense depression. Chronic stress and depression are linked to low serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine levels in the brain. These are the neurotransmitters responsible for mood and feelings related to pleasure. Research shows that patients with major depression often have increased levels of monoamine oxidase A. This enzyme breaks down serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine,  Read More…

Owing a Therapy Pet March 11th, 2021

Owing a Therapy Pet

Animals can play a significant role in therapy of mental illnesses. The human-animal bond is the unique connection that has benefitted humans for thousands of years. The bond with your pet has the power to improve your mental health and help you heal. Research shows that having pets can reduce stress and improve mood. The  Read More…

Is ESA Legitimate? March 11th, 2021

Is ESA Legitimate?

ESA letter from your doctor or a mental health professional is a legitimate document that states that your animal helps you cope with conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other mental illnesses. Your ESA letter will contain the license number of the doctor who issued it.

Why Do Dogs Lick You? March 11th, 2021

Why Do Dogs Lick You?

Dogs lick you to show affection in the same way humans hug, kiss or cuddle other human beings to express love.

Can Your Dog Be Mad at You? March 11th, 2021

Can Your Dog Be Mad at You?

Anger is a human emotion, so your dog cannot be angry at you in the sense we imagine when talking about anger. Although dogs can get upset, they cannot associate blame with those feelings, get offended, or hold a grudge.

How Do I Say Sorry to My Dog? March 11th, 2021

How Do I Say Sorry to My Dog?

When you want to apologize to your dog, give them a lot of attention; hug them, play with them, and talk to your dog in a calm and soothing tone. Experts believe that dogs understand human voice tone and body language so that they can grasp the meaning of your apology.

Do Dogs Know They’re Dying? March 11th, 2021

Do Dogs Know They’re Dying?

There are some signs in a dog’s behavior suggesting that dogs can sense when the end is approaching. One of the most common signs that a dog is approaching the end of life is prolonged lethargy. If your dog is lying in one spot, not showing interest in usual activities, it may be a sign  Read More…

Does Insurance Cover a Service Dog? March 11th, 2021

Does Insurance Cover a Service Dog?

No, it doesn’t. Health insurance under Medicare, Medicaid, or any private health insurance plan does not cover service dogs. However, expenses around service dogs can be deducted from your taxes.

What is the Best Dog for Emotional Support? March 11th, 2021

What is the Best Dog for Emotional Support?

Dogs are known for their ability to provide emotional support and comfort to people struggling with mental illness. Emotional support animals provide a significant therapy aid to individuals with anxiety, depression, or PTSD. If you are considering getting a new animal to be your emotional support animal, some breeds are considered the best for providing  Read More…