Helpful Insights On Emotional Support Animals

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Who Can Write an ESA Letter?

Having an emotional support animal (ESA) can help you live a higher quality of life if you suffer from a mental illness or condition. To take advantage of the legal rights that come from an ESA, you first need an official ESA letter. The main question many of our customers have is: who can write  Read More…

What Privileges Do Emotional Support Animals Have?

Do emotional support animals enjoy the same privileges as a service animal? This is one of the most common questions we receive here at, and we see a lot of people get it wrong. The simple answer is no, emotional support animals do not enjoy the same privileges as a service animal. At least,  Read More…

What Do I Need to Know about Emotional Support Dogs?

Emotional support dogs (and other types of emotional support animals) are gaining popularity well outside the disabled community. However, despite their upward trend in recent years, there is still a lot that many people get wrong or simply don’t realize about emotional support dogs. Who are they for? What purpose do they serve? How does  Read More…

Emotional Support Animals: Legal Facts You Need to Know

If you get a warm, fuzzy feeling every time you hug your dog, there’s a reason for that. Animals (especially emotional support animals) aren’t just fun to be around; they can also help to relieve stress and anxiety and make you feel happier. Animals have played a significant role in assisting people with disabilities for  Read More…

Do I Have to Disclose My Emotional Support Animal?

Service animals are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws to ensure a person’s privacy. But do Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) receive the same treatment? This is a gray area for many ESA owners, one that deserves clarity to ensure you are treated within your rights. While emotional support animals are not  Read More…