
Emotional Support Animal For Veterans

When you read the phrase “emotional support animal for veterans,” you may think that this is a contradiction, but no, it is a simple fact of life. Many veterans come back from a war with mental or physical stress, usually PTSD or even anxiety, and they need all the help they can get to keep their heads straight and their bodies healthy. Companionship for these veterans is a great way to give them a voice – a silent, yet powerful way to tell others that they are not alone in their struggles or that they are not alone in the joy and abundance they find in life.

Whether you choose an ESA for a veteran who has a mental health issue, or you choose one who needs a healing period following a serious injury or surgery, a companion animal is just the right choice.

Guy Holding Therapy Animal

How An ESA Will Help

What an ESA for veterans really means is a dog, cat, bird, reptile, invertebrate, or other animal that is trained to act as an emotional support for a sick, injured, or distressed veteran in their home.

This service comes in many forms – there are pet Sittingters that allow you to visit your friend in their home, or there are therapy pets that allow the recipient of the therapy to remain in their own home while receiving the help they need. Some of these pets are provided by a registered veterinary facility, and others come from a non-profit agency.

No matter where you get your companion animal, the idea is to give them the emotional and mental stimulation that they need to maintain health and well-being, both in mind and body. This can be difficult for any animal to do on their own, especially if they have never been trained to interact with people, and VA Pets offers an understanding, caring, and compassionate relationship with your companion animals.

Black Dog Watching Up

An emotional support animal for veterans is very much like having an elderly person in the family. While the veteran will most likely have a physical disability, there is a good chance that they may also have some emotional disability as well.

Emotional support animals allow these veterans to maintain healthy interaction with other people even when their physical capabilities are impaired. A veteran may be able to maintain relationships with their extended family members, but they may require special attention when it comes to making friends and developing close relationships with their peers in the community. An ESA can provide this all-around support.

Reasons To Get An ESA

There are some things to consider when considering an ESA for a veteran. If the veteran has a severe and prolonged physical disability, then it may not be feasible to locate an emotional support pet for them. In this case, contacting the nearest vet could provide the emotional companionship that the veteran needs.

In the case of a veteran with a mild to moderate physical impairment, however, it may still be beneficial to consult with a vet who specializes in animal companionship. This vet could be helpful in determining whether or not an emotional support pet would be appropriate and could also be helpful in selecting one for your veteran.

Gray Cat

Emotional support animals for veterans are typically dogs. This is because dogs are known to offer comfort and friendship to those who need it the most. There are certain dog breeds which are specifically trained to help heal the wounds of war, so the vet may suggest a specific breed of dog to consider. The typical dog breed for vets to recommend is the German Shepherd, which is a trusted companion for many vets due to their gentle and trusting demeanor.

ESAs are often necessary when a veteran return from a military service. If you are a veteran, and are interested in obtaining an emotional support animal for you or a friend, you should contact your local vet. Your vet may be able to recommend an ESA for a veteran that is both healthy and suitable to accompany their lifestyle.