Helpful Insights On Emotional Support Animals

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Claritin Dosage for Dogs

Claritin Dosage for Dogs – The Quality, Benefits & Side Effects

If you have ever noticed that your dog has red and itchy eyes or is sneezing, scratching a lot, has an upset stomach, and is biting his/her feet and legs, then he/she could be suffering from dog allergies. Just like you, your dog also has allergies, and occurrences are probably just as irritating and frustrating  Read More…

Adoption Tips

5 Rescue Dog Adoption Tips to Know Before Adopting

There is a common misconception that rescue dogs are either broken or were abused and will, therefore, be problematic in a loving home setting. While it is true that some rescue dogs have had a rough past, what you need to remember is that rescue dogs are often placed in shelters for a wide variety  Read More…

Dogs Behavior Problems

Dogs Behavior Problems and Solutions: 6 of the Most Common

Dogs can show problems in their behavior even after you have done everything right in terms of training, diet, and socialization. There are six common types of dog behavior problems: barking, chewing, separation anxiety, frequent urination, jumping, and aggression. We are going to describe each of these common dog behavior problems and give you a solution  Read More…

Harnesses for Small Dogs

10 Best Harnesses for Small Dogs You Should Buy

If you own a small breed dog, then there is no doubt that you need a harness as opposed to a collar. Yes, many collars today are made with exceptional safety measures as well as comfort in mind. Still, smaller dog breeds tend to have particularly vulnerable necks prone to injury should they yank on  Read More…

Dog Flea Home Remedy

Dog Flea Home Remedy Guide

By the time you spot a flea on your dog, an infestation has likely already begun. Fleas live in shady places outdoors and will quickly attach themselves to any animal they can find. If your dog is not protected from fleas and ticks, they will become the next breeding ground for these pests. Once fleas  Read More…

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