Helpful Insights On Emotional Support Animals

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esa dog sleeping

How Seizure Alert Dogs Help Save Lives

A Dog Can Save Your Life in Many Ways Service dogs have proven to be indispensable partners, particularly for persons who experience seizures. Not only do these pooches help persons living with disabilities to be independent but they also give them freedom from fear, a peace of mind, and round-the-clock support. With the enactment of  Read More…

Tramadol For Dogs

Tramadol For Dogs

How and When to Use Tramadol to Treat Your Pet?Your furry friend might have sustained an injury when she was rough-housing at the dog daycare. Or, maybe she got hurt by an aggressive pooch when she went out with her dog-walking friends. It is not unusual for such things to happen, but at the end  Read More…

Dog on the beach

What do Autism Therapy Dogs Do?

How Can a Dog Help Those Afflicted with Autism? A teenager walks through the crowded corridors of a school accompanied by a pooch who helps him maneuver through the crowd and locate his class. In another situation, a family has dinner at a famous restaurant with a dog laying patiently at their feet. You might  Read More…

picture of two cute cats

How To Find Your Lost Cat Fast

Oh No! You Lost Your Cat! If you are a cat owner, you might be familiar with their habit of wandering around on their own. A lost pet can be the worst experience that a pet owner can go through. But there are certain steps that can help you align your thoughts when you are  Read More…

man strolling with his dog

How To Choose The Right Dog Walker/Sitter

Talk about having the perfect job. Your dog sitter/walker has that job, but for you finding the right sitter for your fur baby may be a challenge. Your furry friend needs to stay active to remain healthy. Each breed requires different levels of activity, but a daily walk is in every breed’s maintenance routine. You  Read More…

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