Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are animal companions that are believed to bring their owner or handler relief from a mental disability and also help alleviate its symptoms. These animals play a major role in the lives of people who are dependent on their pets for emotional support and healthy functioning. This means keeping their pets in Read More…
Over the years, we have given these domesticated members of the canine family the title of “man’s best friend.” But what makes owning a dog so valuable? Sure, a dog will always be happy to see you. But there are more practical reasons why you should consider owning a dog. Here is a list of Read More…
Have you ever wanted to explore the world and discover some new sights or simply wish to visit some relatives on the other side of the country, but do not know how to proceed to fly with your emotional support animal? Just know that you are clear to take off without any hassles if you Read More…