Helpful Insights On Emotional Support Animals

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airplane on air

Keep These Things In Mind When Flying Commercial With Your ESA

ESA owners can air-travel with their beloved pets without an additional fee or costs as long as they have an ESA letter. The Air Carrier Access Act was established in 1986 to prevent commercial airlines from discriminating against people with disabilities.  People suffering from psychological and mental disabilities can now board a plane with their furry  Read More…

Emotional Support Dog with a young lady

Depressed? Here Are 5 Ways Your Pet Can Help!

Could petting your furry friend or watching your cat play outside the yard possibly help relieve depression? Well, experts say it might. Pets offer unconditional love and are easier to communicate with. This proves to be especially useful for people who suffer from depression and anxiety.  Studies have proven that animals can improve mood, reduce tension  Read More…

Happy Cat Carried by Her Owner

Learn Which Cat Breed Is Best For Your Needs

After deciding to go with an emotional support cat to support your current lifestyle, the next most important question that comes to mind is “How do I choose the right cat breed?”  The most critical thing to keep in mind when choosing a cat is that no matter how fluffy and cute they are, you  Read More…

Mother and her baby playing with cat

ESAs Quickly Become Our Best Friends

An emotional support animal (ESA) is a pet that has been prescribed by a certified psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist for a person dealing with emotional issues. The animal becomes part of a treatment program for the individual in question and is there to bring company and comfort while minimizing the negative effects of the person’s  Read More…

Modern terraced houses and apartment

Everything You Can Do To Find The Perfect Place For You & Your Pet

Finding a pet-friendly apartment may not be easy at times, especially if you are going for rental. Listed below are some important steps that need to be taken in order to better understand how the management will handle the presence of your pets in the apartment. Steps to Finding a Pet-Friendly Apartment Start your hunting  Read More…

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