Loot Crate Subscription: An Honest Review

A long time ago in this very galaxy, and as a matter of fact this very planet, albeit there is a possibility that some other planets did it sooner, some entrepreneurial people invented subscription boxes to provide TV dinners to people who do not have enough time to go to the grocery shop. This idea has been proven to be popular and so more and more industries were chiming in to provide people with a delivery service that is easy, relatively cheap, and of good quality.
Dog lovers who are also members of a fandom can now rejoice, as they can have their favorite intellectual property included in their dog toys, treats, and other doggy paraphernalia and apparel. While certain to be disapproved by Edna Marie "E" Mode, there is a chance that your canine will get a Batman cape. Socks, jackets, and other doggy clothes, all themed to our favorite fandoms. It is probable that your pet will mostly appreciate the treats and the attention you are giving them, but there is something in playing fetch with a Harry Potter wand with your large Labrador Retriever. If you have thought of that in time you would have trained the dog to recall to the word ‘'Accio’’, but maybe you can do that with a puppy.
What is Loot Crate?

LootCrate was established back in 2012 in California as the first subscription-based service that focuses on fandoms and gaming culture, sending monthly boxes of themed products, all tied to a certain intellectual property. As the service became more popular, more companies wanted their products to be featured inside, meaning that the quality of the crates improved, while the prices didn't change.
The innovation made by LootCrate, which does draw its name from randomly falling drops in gaming, was that the client doesn't actually know what will be in the crate prior to opening. It is usually something of good quality, but it might be something they have or something they have craved for. This practice also made a widespread use of exchanges and meet-ups, where customers were able to exchange items and discuss their favorite fandoms.
With LootPets, the company aims to bring all of that fandom goodness and more to our four-legged companions. Like the original, all of the products inside the box will be in line with that month’s theme, whichever fandom or video game that might be. Unlike the crate made for human fans, LootPets also includes doggy treats and other canine snacks, which is also made according to this month's game, movie, or book.
All of the product’s inside will always be high-quality, and most of them will be made right here in the USA, which will be promptly stated on the packaging.
Kirk vs. Picard Boxes
Yes, this is correct, this article will, after decades of discussion and argument, solve the question of which Enterprise captain is better! Obviously, this is a trick question, a Kobayashi Maru; the answer is both.
This is the same as the question between treats and toys. A good dog owner knows that all aspects of a dog's development are essential, and as many nutrients they will receive from healthy treats included in the box, they will receive an equal amount of emotional and psychological development from playing fetch with their owner using their favorite toy.
Each LootPets crate will include both treats and toys, all made with a certain IP in mind. In the same container, your dog will get the benefit of eating some dark side doggy cookies, as well as chewing on Death Star throwing balls. Additionally, you might get some bonus reference enjoyment, as it is a treat to the owner to see a 120 lbs. Rottweiler utterly destroys a Jar-Jar chew toy.
Does Loot Crate Ship Overseas?
As is the case with Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other areas that are not connected to the mainland, you will not be able to receive perishable treats. In all matters of fact, the perishability is the least of LootCrate’s concerns, as treats can be both dry and tightly vacuumed. But, there are problems with importing food, and if local governments and institutions do not approve the individual products your crate might be delayed for a long time, which is annoying, not to mention treats possibly spoiling.
How to Order Your Loot Crate?
Ordering a LootPets crate from LootCrate is quite simple. All you need to do it go to their website, select the type of box you want and wait for your package to arrive. Sometimes there will be premium offers that you can jump on as to get special items for your canine companion, and you can order some of the things from previous crates directly.
If you opt just for the crate, the longer you subscribe for, the lower the price of a single box. If you want to receive goodies for a whole year, you will be able to get some very interesting stuff.
Shipping doesn't last so long, but it is dependent where you are and can take up to a week. You should know that while the treats and other dog food is packed very tightly and would probably last longer if you are living in Hawaii, Guam, or Puerto Rico, dog cookies and other perishables will not be included with your order and it will be substituted with toys and apparel of same or similar value. Please know that some other dog subscription boxes do this as well.
The Bottom Line
If you are already a customer of LootCrate and you have a man’s best friend in your home, you can surprise both yourself and the dog with a LootPets subscription box that you will receive each month, and it will be filled with tasty treats, chew toys, and even doggy costumes, all themed with popular intellectual property.
Generally, all dog owners will benefit from this type of service, as it really does make it easy to get toys and treats for your pet without thinking too much how to get a different thing every month. Chew toys are something that will be destroyed by the dog at some point, and by the time your pet gnaws off the head of Jar-Jar Binks, the chew toy made in the likeness of Wesley Crusher will arrive, giving both yourself and your canine loads of satisfaction.