Is RescueBox The Right Choice For Your Pup?

Your dog will always be a little puppy from your perspective, and you will still want to make them happy by buying them different treats, toys, and other items that they will enjoy. Even an old dog that can't really run and fetch as they used to will be happy to have a nice smoked marrow bone to gnaw on while you watch TV together.
The only thing better than making your own dog happy is making many more dogs happy, and especially if those dogs are not as fortunate as your own to have owners that will take care of them and give them regular treats and belly rubs. With every purchase of RescueBox subscription package, you will be providing vaccinations and food for dogs that are in shelters, and that desperately need assistance.
Finally, there is nothing better than making our furry friends happy and well taken care of, and it is a marvelous thing that you can make your little doggy happy by simultaneously helping dogs and puppies across the country.
What is a Subscription Box?

A subscription box is by no means a new idea, as it is an evolution from TV dinner and meal delivery. For a couple of decades, companies have been offering grocery deliveries each month that include good quality products at a reasonable price. This is a major help for people who lack time to browse every so often and look for good deals and outsources the job of finding deals to the subscription box company.
Everything changed when companies started offering beauty products, grooming accessories, and even fandom paraphernalia to customers. With a monthly subscription box, you feel more like you are receiving a present every time, as you don't know what is inside and you can have the thrill of unboxing the goodies and finding out what is inside.
With pet subscription boxes your dog has a major advantage over you, as they will probably be able to smell the treats that are inside, even with the hard vacuuming and plastic. This, by all means, doesn't insinuate that they will not be thrilled to receive the box, probably even more than you will, but they will know that treats are inside from the moment the delivery person approaches your door.
How is RescueBox Different?

Unlike most other subscription services that are focused on making a gimmick and just trying to pile as many products for as much money possible, RescueBox is focused on creating a high-quality set that will be more than enough for your pet to play with for a month. Also, they help dogs in pet shelters across the United States be vaccinated and adequately stocked with food.
So far, Rescue Box has donated more than fifty million pounds of dog food to various shelters, helping thousands of dogs gain their strength before they are adopted and taken care of properly, with all the love and compassion that they deserve.
Also, RescueBox will provide all of their customers with offers on how to save on other purchases, as well as options and contacts in the case that they are willing to help canine charities that were proven to do good work.
What is Inside A RescueBox?

Inside each RescueBox package, you will receive several high-quality delicacies, including chewing treats and rewards treats. Things like smoked pig ears or large marrow bones are very common, and if you have a dog that likes to work their teeth on such savory goodies, you will make that dog very happy. Most of the products will be made in the USA, which will be noted on the packaging, with the rest being made in Canada or Mexico. There are no products in this box that are made in developing nations or are shipped overseas as to reduce prices.
All of the treats and edibles are USDA approved and are tested to be safe for your pooch regardless of the breed and age. Additionally, with each monthly box, you will receive an offer for various products, either for your dog or for yourself, making you save a bit more while still helping dogs around the country.
Sadly, there is no customization option to receive different boxes depending on the dog’s size and breed, which means that you will need to be careful not to give toys that are too small to your large pets, or very large toys to small breeds that will be unable to play with them. For products that are of inadequate size for your pooch, you can store all of the products and bring them to the dog shelter at some point. Otherwise, you can gift them to your friends that have dogs which are able to play with them.
How to Order?

Select Your Box Type

Choose Your Delivery

Unbox Your Goodies

Make An Impact
Ordering Rescue Box is actually quite easy, as all you need to do it to visit their website and fill out your billing information and address. As there are no customization options, you will not need to insert any info about the dog itself. The options you do have it the time you want to be dedicated to the service, and as per usual the longer you subscribe for, the smaller the price will be.
For just one month subscription, which you can, therefore, cancel at any time, you will need to pay $29,95 and will provide two vaccinations for shelter pets and five pounds of dog food aid to shelters. If you opt for three months, the price will fall to $27,95, and the aid will rise to six vaccinations and 15 lbs. of dog food. With six months the price drops to $25,45, and aid will be given out in the form of twelve shots and an incredible 60 lbs. of dog food as aid.
Finally, the longest period is a full year, and that subscription is priced at $23,45 while helping 24 dogs get vaccinated and provide with 60 lbs. of dog food. Compared with other pet subscription services this price is very reasonable, and you will always receive more in the box than the cost of ordering all of the items separately.
Rescue pet provides free shipping to all States on the US mainland, which sadly excludes Hawaii and Alaska, where you will need to pay an additional charge of $6 for expedited shipping, which you should factor into the price.
Sadly, due to the perishability, RescuBox will not ship their crates abroad, including Mexico and Canada, as the delay to those nations might be enough for the products inside to spoil and Rescue Box just doesn’t want to risk it.
The Bottom Line
For those who not only want to make their dog happy but to make all the dogs happy, ResuceBox is a perfect way to combine the good and the useful. By treating your canine companion to a set of delicious chew toys and chew products, as well as tasty treats, you will be helping dogs around the nation get vaccinated and supplied with dog food. There is really something great with having a good deal, and actually paying less, while at the same time giving some money to a good cause.